Sacred Birth has a complete and comprehensive package fee for low-risk, healthy, expectant mothers.  The comprehensive fee includes the following:


A self-pay plan is available to you that divides the comprehensive fee into smaller payments to be made throughout your pregnancy with the full fee due by your 36th week of pregnancy.  A discount is extended to clients who wish to pay in full by the second prenatal visit.


By Florida law (Florida Statute Number 627.6574), birth with a licensed midwife in your own home is covered by any group, blanket, or franchise policy of health insurance that provides coverage for maternity care.  In accordance with this statute, your midwifery care is covered at varying levels by most insurance plans.

Families with private insurance are encouraged to verify maternity benefits, obtain pre-authorization, or an in-network gap exception with their insurance. We work with a specialized biller that can assist you with this as well as submit your claim to your insurance at the conclusion of care.  Families with private insurance will be extended the Self-Pay discounted fee to be paid in full by 36 weeks according to your choice of payment plan.